DEDICATION To our beloved parents, colleagues and who gave us unconditional love and taught us how to appreciate and share them. They helped us in solving the problems and provide the rightist way to achieve our desire goal. May Almighty Allah bless them all. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This project was the first experience of ours in the way of developing software. We have implemented our knowledge and techniques which we had learnt . We are again thankful and grateful to Almighty Allah the omnipotent and omnipresent who has endowed us with knowledge in the patience and encourage in the accomplishment of our task. PROJECT OBJECTIVETo develop a Periodic Table software for student to easily memorize elements, their symbols, and other regarding information of the element. SOFTWARE NAME "EASY CLICK EASY LEARN" DESINGNINGEasy Click Easy Learn is developed on C language . It can run on DOS Versions 2.00,6.00,6.22 and Windows. User can install in his computer at his drive prompt . User have also necessary installed Mouse in his computer.
EXPECTATION Before working on the software we had proposal "Easy Click Easy Learn" for the benefit of student of primary and secondary classes who can easily memorize Periodic Elements and their information. This purpose has led us to complete the software and make it user friendly at any cost. SCHOOLS RESPONSES On completion of the software we have presented in some schools for Beta Testing and we had got a remarkable response and success from the schools Principals and Teachers. STUDENTS RESPONSES We also had great response especially from primary student and some good suggestions too from the secondary students.REQUIREMENT PERSONAL COMPUTER The basic and major requirement of the software is:
FLOPPY DRIVE Following types of Disk Drives are necessary : size density capacity 5.25 high 1.2 MB 3.50 high 1.44 MB VERSIONS Already installed any operating system, that is DOS version 5.00 or 6.00 or 6.22 or WINDOWS 95. If user doesnt have hard disk he/she have to boot his computer first and after booting he/she can now be able to run the software.Having already hard disk in the mother board user have to only copy the software from the floppy disk to his hard drive path. MAINTANANCE AND UP-DATINGPeriodic Elements are complex structures in the field of chemistry. New elements are discovering and research work are doing by scientists and students. It is very difficult to mobilize all the information regarding elements, but for the sake of students we will keep up-dating the information and new elements in the periodic table. |